Our internal ACAdemy
The development and growth of every ACA employee is really important to us.
One way to support and strengthen personal development is our internal 'ACAdemy'. The internal ACAdemy is a catalog of various courses, workshops, training courses and e-learnings that contribute to the development and strengthening of specific competencies. This catalog is divided into 3 categories:
- Technical courses
- Support Organization courses
- Human skills courses

- Digital learning platforms
In addition to all these training courses, we also offer our employees digital learning platforms. For example, our employees have access to an extensive range of high-quality sessions through our licenses on, for example, Udemy for Business and A cloud guru.
- Bootcamps
In addition, we also help our employees when they want to retrain by organizing a 'boot camp'. During such a boot camp, they can intensively learn the required key skills in a short period of time and acquire a number of basic skills very quickly, something that would otherwise take significantly longer. For example, we have the Python Bootcamp which lays a strong foundation for Python development in just 3 days.