ACA Group and Conrad Consulting organize Voxxed Days Brussels!
Voxxed Days, a spin-off of Devoxx, is coming to Brussels! Yes, you're reading it right: we're talking about the first big in-person IT community event in 3 years time.
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Click here to adjust your preferencesVoxxed Days is a series of tech events organized by local community groups. The mantra of 'Content is King' brings together internationally renowned and local speakers to deliver the very best in up-to-date topics. This year, ACA Group and its professional event partner Conrad Consulting are joining forces to bring Voxxed Days to Brussels on May 23rd, 2023.
Conrad stands for more than 30 years of special events engineering. After having organized the Energy Mission conference and the Cradle to Cradle event in the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, we're proud to work together with ACA to organize Voxxed Days Brussels.
— Koen Vanhove, CEO at Conrad Consulting

We're so happy to be able to announce that after 3 long years, the IT community in Belgium can once more come together and connect during this special event!
For Voxxed Days Brussels, we want to reach far and wide to curate a program featuring leading developer experts. This starts with an invitation to submit talk proposals via our Call For Papers.
More information about Voxxed Days Brussels can be found on this page, which will be updated regularly. We hope to see you at the event!