ACA Group & De Watergroep join hands for advanced customer-centric digital services
The ACA Group is proud to announce its new collaboration with De Watergroep, the largest drinking water corporation in Flanders, for the coming 4 years.
During this partnership, the ACA Group will support De Watergroep with the implementation and maintenance of a completely new website and client portal, including information about digital meters. ACA's support spans the entire trajectory, from discovery and development up to and including hosting. To accomplish this, the ACA Group brings together a unique combination of proven experience in websites and portals, strong expertise in integration and the use of cutting edge technologies such as Liferay and Amazon Web Services.
De Watergroep is an autonomous Flemish water company that offers products and services in the entire water supply chain. In short, De Watergroep provides custom water solutions today for tomorrow's generation. Additionally, through sustainable and ecologically responsible supply chain management, they take great care of all the links in this supply chain, such as rainwater, ground and surface water, drinking water, processing water and wastewater.
We're making customer-centric thinking and acting throughout all our company processes our business card. We want to further develop this part of our company mission during the coming years, with a new website and client portal, including a digital component connected to the digital water meters we are rolling out in Flanders from 2023 onwards. Together with ACA Group, we go for an extensive UX design and build today the digital customer experience for tomorrow.
— Lode Schrauwen, ICT Manager at De Watergroep

We are extremely happy to have De Watergroep as a customer, and even happier that we were able to do so because key concepts such as customer centricity, sustainability and innovation are vital to De Watergroep as well as ACA. It is no surprise then, that we are enthusiasic to start the project and successfully complete this journey together with De Watergroep in mutual trust.
— Ronny Ruyters, CEO at ACA Group