Flemish government launches the ‘Woningpas’!
A few months ago, ACA started the development of the ‘woningpas’, a brand new project for the Flemish government.
Today, the Flemish Ministers of Energy, Environment and Housing – Bart Tommelein (Open VLD), Joke Schauvliege (CD&V) and Liesbeth Homans (N-VA) – have officially launched the ‘woningpas’. (Dutch press article – De Standaard)
The woningpas is a joint project of several departments of the Flemish government. Together, VEA, the department of Environment, Housing-Flanders and OVAM want to bundle all information they have about a home in one digital passport. This digital platform, the woningpas, collects all necessary certificates and known information about a home or building in one place.
The owner of the home as well as individuals with power of attorney are able to see the data of that particular building. This way, the woningpas helps lead to a simplified administration concerning the building, renovating, renting and selling of buildings.
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