Bregt Coenen

Blog posts of Bregt
- How to Install Istio Service Mesh: A Comprehensive Step-by-Step Guide
In our first blog article, “Istio Service Mesh: What and why”, we explained what Istio Service Mesh is and its advantages. In this article, we delve into more detail, demonstrating how to implement and apply Istio in practical scenarios.
- Istio Service Mesh: What and Why
A service mesh is a software layer responsible for all communication between applications, referred to as services in this context. It introduces new functionalities to manage the interaction between services, such as monitoring, logging, tracing, and traffic control.
- Navigating the Cloud-Native Landscape with Harbor Registry
In this blogpost, we want to share our experience with another CloudNative tool, called Harbor. We are currently using Harbor Registry in one of our projects and would love to share our findings with you.
- How to use Flux and GitOps to manage applications
In this blog, our experts share their experiences and findings on using Flux!
- How to add functionality to Kubernetes with Operators
One of the possible ways to add functionalities to Kubernetes is using 'Operators'. In this blog post, we'll briefly explain what Operators are and how they work!
- How to install Rancher RKE2 on CentOS Stream 8
In this technical blog post, we explain how to install Rancher RKE2 on CentOS 8 Stream. Click to read and follow the steps!
- How to build a highly available Atlassian stack on Kubernetes
In this blogpost, we’ll explain how our Atlassian and cloud teams built a highly-available Atlassian stack on top of Kubernetes.
- What does our Kubernetes setup at ACA look like?
In this blog post, we show you our typical Kubernetes setup and how it evolved over time to accomodate more customers, clusters, load and less maintenance!
- How to monitor your Kubernetes cluster with Datadog
Reliable monitoring and logging for a Kubernetes cluster is difficult. In this blog post, we teach you how to monitor your Kubernetes cluster with Datadog.