The Digital Innovation Podcast

Welcome to the Digital Innovation Podcast (DIP)!

Our moderator, guided by experts from ACA Group, pores over the wonderous world of digital innovation and anything that dares come close to it. This podcast is only available in Dutch.

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60 min
DIP #6 - Low-Code, high impact? Explore the possibilities with Gregory Van Dorpe and Dieter Vennekens
32 min
Low-Code experts Gregory Van Dorpe and Dieter Vennekens share their insights & experiences
32 min
DIP #5 - De applicaties van morgen: Zijn Composable Apps écht modulaire meesterwerken? Met Jurgen Geys
25 min
De applicaties van morgen: Zijn Composable Apps écht modulaire meesterwerken? Met Jurgen Geys
25 min
DIP #4 - Code Klare Taal: Custom Software ontcijferen met Jan en Rowin
19 min
DIP #4 - Code Klare Taal: Custom Software ontcijferen met Jan en Rowin
19 min
DIP #3 - ChatGPT is here to stay! Leer hoe je AI in het gareel houdt en bedrijfsflaters vermijdt
30 min
ChatGPT is here to stay! Leer hoe je AI in het gareel houdt en bedrijfsflaters vermijdt
30 min
DIP #2 - Is data the heart of digital innovation?
24 min
In this DIP episode, we ask Data Experts Stijn Vandereyken & Joppe Weustenraad whether data is the heart of digital innovation.
24 min
DIP #1 - Digital innovation: a faraway issue?
17 min
In this first episode of the Digital Innovation Podcast, we talk about digital innovation in the broad sense of the word with guests CEO Ronny Ruyters and CIO Stijn Van den Enden.
17 min