Dorien Jorissen

Blog posts of Dorien
- How we took Jira Service Management to a new level
In this blog post, we'll show you how we took Jira Service Management to a whole new level when it comes to possibilities and integration.
- Rockstar planning poker: make software development estimates fun!
Tired of those exhausting estimation sessions when developing software? Try rockstar planning poker to make your software development estimates fun!
- Product Management 911 — Hi, Uhm… Who’s Calling the Shots?
Many starting Product Managers struggle with empowerment, responsibility, authority and decision making. So who is actually calling the shots in Product Management?
- 5 tips to guarantee a successful delivery to your project support team
In this blog post, we give you 5 tips on how to hand over your project to your support team with minimal amounts of stress and organizational impact!
- How iterative Product Discovery helps you solve the right problem
In this blog post, we explain Product Discovery and how it helps Product Managers solve questions regarding the backlog, your user's needs and more.
- How to create fast, scalable applications with VueJS and Firebase (part two)
In this blog post series, we'll show you how to create a simple Single Page Application with VueJS & Firebase, without the hassle of maintaining a backend.
- How to create fast scalable applications with VueJS and Firebase (part one)
With more demand for frontend development, we'll show you how to create a simple Single Page Application without the hassle of maintaining a backend.
- GDPR, the new superhero of marketing and sales
With GDPR almost in effect, people are panicking and wondering how they can save their marketing and sales. But actually it's the other way around: GDPR is the savior of marketing and sales. Find out why in this blog!
- Mob programming: a team experiment
What is mob programming? How can it help you to make important last-minute deadlines during a project? We'll tell you in this blog post!
- Designing for optimal user-client-developer relationships
As designers we need to make stuff pretty, but we also need to have a critical look. This blogpost reflects my view on designing for the IT sector.
- Agile not for dummies: the difference between traditional and Agile methods
In this post, we show some fundamental differences between traditional methods (Prince2 and PMBok) and Agile methods (Scrum, XP and Kanban).
- Digital Transformation: Buzz or Hot?
Digital transformation is one of the most discussed terms of the moment. Every organization and every employee is 'confronted' with it. Is it just a buzz or is there real value?
- Liferay Freemarker Tips and Tricks: Date & Time
In this blog post we'll talk about Liferay Freemarker and give you some tips and tricks on how to use date & time.
- The peril of experience assumption
In software development, assumptions can have a serious impact and we should always be on the look-out. In this blog post, we talk about how to deal with assumptions when developing software.